Ice-cream/cake social cake
Table decorations. Our club is 50 years old!
Heidi Ritterbush cutting the cake.
Jim & Jan Seeck and Arnold Snell at Briggs’ open house.
Judy Maxwell and Tom Mordini Hanging out.
Now that is good eats!
Girl talk.
Look at all this glass!
The home
Gary & Melody
Display of Keith Fahey and Ogie Sacristia, “Mouth Watering.”
Jeff Adams, “Jacks or Better Scratch Poker.”
Darlene Grogan, “Emerald Isle.”
Chris & Arlene Werner “The Mini Scales of Carnival Glass.”
Arnold Snell “California Dreaming, Oh! To Own The Bigger Size!”
Scott Baker, “Imperial Purple Vases.”
Russell & Kitty Umbraco “Ribbon Ties Are Waiting For March Winds.”
Pat Graning “Reflections.”
Kathy & John Lee
Umbraco Seminar “Carnival Glass With A Stretch Finish.”
Kitty & Russell Umbraco, Friday Seminar Speakers.
The Maxwell Family, Judy Ed & Eric, at the banquet.
The Presidents table.
Chris & Arlene Werner.
Our Banquet Speaker Bob Patterson and Shirley
The Banquet Seminar Glass……..
Room display winners Keith Fahey& Ogie Sacristia, Arlene Werner and Darlene Grogan.
Early registration winner Judith Baker with Treasurer Pat Rottschaefer.
Our scavenger hunt winners, Nadine Adams, Pat Graning, and Kitty Umbraco.